Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Schizophrenia/Bi-polar: How It Effects My Life.

For some reason I don't have any friends anymore. Maybe it's because every other day I cuss them out and get mad at them. And then, the next day everything is fine. I have to try really hard not to get mad at people for no reason. I have to hold back everything in me just so I won't have a break out of bi-polar. Scitzophrenia is so different than bi-polar. For instance, I can't watch paranormal movies, or talk about any scary stuff. I get to paranoid and I start believe that it's all real. My mind will start racing and creating hullucinations. I hate the fact that I will always and forever depend on a pill to make me normal. Because how I really am, is just not acceptable. Also, Bi-polar people tend to blow all of their money and I know that's true because every time I have money, I blow it all at once. I get 630$ a month and it's gone within two days. My medicine makes me gain weight so I feel fat and un-attractive. It also makes me not want sex and some people do not understand when I say " I can go the rest of my life without sex". My medicine makes me feel that way. These are just some of the things I deal with on a daily basis being bi-polar/scitzophrenic. 

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